The first symposium within the EURObservational Research Programme (EORP)

2018-03-02 00:00:002019

On January 30-31, 2018 the 1st EORP symposium was held in the European Heart House, Sophia Antipolis (France). Due to the high importance of the programme the ESC board members, chairpersons of the most of European registries committees and nearly 25 representatives of the National Cardiac Societies were present here. Russian Society of Cardiology was represented by Prof. Dmitry Duplyakov (Samara). The meeting format offered presentations by the leading experts of the European registries and active joint work in groups. Within two days of the symposium each specialist took part in 4-5 brainstorming session aimed at finding the ways to make the registries even more effective.

European registries have to become shorter and more compact with the period of including patients no longer than 3-6 months. It is suggested that registry focal points need to be build based on clusters (university clinic, non-university (high-scale) hospital, private practices and outpatinet site). The issue of translation the registries was also discussed.

Participation of young cardiologists is crucial. The focal point needs to be represented by experienced leader and specialist in training. The work with registries is suggested to be considered when awarding grants.

The European guidelines were also discussed on the meeting. It is planned to implement a new short format of the European guidelines with regular overview.

Soon a new European registry on atrial fibrillation will be launched. We hope that Russian medical centers will take active part in it!

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