3rd European Cardio Thoracic Transplant Association Meeting: abstract submission

2018-07-18 00:00:002174

Dear colleagues,

The 3rd European Cardio Thoracic Transplant Association (ECTTA) Meeting (9-10 November, 2018 in Munich, Germany) is a forum for experience exchange on treatment of patients with end-stage heart and lung failure.

Main topics addressed during the 2018 Meeting, entitled “Cardiothoracic transplantation: to breathe, to pulse, to regenerate life” are: Rise of the machines: VADS, ECMO, CPB and EVLP; Optimizing donor management; Orphan drugs disorders in Europe; Personalized treatment in thoracic transplantation medicine; Registries and allocation; Future perspectives in Thoracic Transplantation.

The 3rd ECTTA Meeting Organizing Committee is happy to announce a call for late-breaking abstract submissions, for abstracts that highlight novel and substantive studies of high impact.
The goal is to enrich the 3rd ECTTA Meeting with outstanding studies that are completed after the general abstract submission deadline.

 Late-Breaking Categories Available 

Advanced Heart failure / transplantation

Advanced Lung failure / transplantation


Heart and Lung machine perfusion



Several education grants will be offered to young ESOT Members who submit an abstract and participate in the TLJ2018 by ECTTA. The grants aim at supporting their participation in the Meeting, fostering education, facilitating their contact with both peers and senior experts.
Please encourage your contacts, your peers and colleagues to participate and become part of our growing ECTTA network.

Please click here to find more information on the ESOT website.

Late-Breaking abstract submission is now open
DEADLINE: 23 July 2018

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